Palmer (1998) encourages us to include the epistemological and ontological depths in our teaching life if we wish to respond authentically to our students in their pursuit to understand a reality that is “a web of communal relationships” (p. 95). The thoughtful and responsive educator recognizes that the personhood of his students as well as his own takes place in a larger context –which means that he commits to remaining in dialogue with himself and with the many other stakeholders involved in the question of education. This recognition and commitment constitutes a deeply personal, humane and even spiritual understanding of the natural human desire not only to learn but to teach –the preternatural inner thrust to kindle the spirit of inquiry and caring in ourselves and in those we come across. It is a life of persistent questioning which, if we remain open to its discoveries, may continue to amaze, help to reconcile our differences, and serve to build a more just and benevolent society.
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